
Ozone Mystery: the story of ozone in China in the 60s and 70s

Ozone Mystery: the story of ozone in China in the 60s and 70s

The Development History of Ozone Technology in China  Introduction: The ozone technology in China has undergone ups and downs for several decades, and rapid growth and progress have been made in recent years. It has continuously expanded its application fields and market demand, reaching its peak in recent decades. From the initial overseas monopoly to nearly complete replacement of domestic ozone equipment, from the niche market to the market size of billions, from small-scale applications to applications on multitudes of fields, ozone technology in China gained continuous development, presenting a good landscape of the largest global output and market of...

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Could drinking ozonated water kills some of our precious gut bacteria?

Could drinking ozonated water kills some of our precious gut bacteria? As it turns out, this is highly unlikely. Although no studies exist on the subject of ozonated water and gut bacteria, we know that the small intestine is largely devoid of bacteria in a healthy human being. But that’s where ozonated water goes when ingested. It does not reach the big intestine where the beneficial bacteria reside. Where Does Good Bacteria Reside? The human intestine is made of two parts: the small and the large intestine. Contrary to what one would presume from the names, the small intestine is actually the...

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How do Ozone generators work.

ozone generators

How do Ozone generators work.

What are ozone generators? An ozone generator is an air purifier that produces ozone. It's abilities as a disinfectant was first discovered in the early 1800's. It was discovered that ozone could be used for many uses. Now, ozone generators are used to purify and disinfect rooms from odors and germs. It's also used as a water purifier. What Does Ozone Do? We know the ozone layer is harmful to our lungs. But, it still serves a purpose. Ozone generators use different methods to generate ozone. Methods to create ozone for purifying purposes include the corona method. The corona method...

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What is an Air Purifier and How does it work?

Air purifers Blogs Health

What is an Air Purifier and How does it work?

Air pollution causes disastrous effects causing Respiratory and heart problems. Your best defense against indoor air pollution is to try to avoid having pollutants enter your home or office. 

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